Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars - Imperialism in China

The opium wars is also known as the Anglo-Chinese Wars, were the climax of trade disputes and diplomatic difficulties between China under Qing Dynasty and the British Empire after China sought to restrict British opium traffickers.

The opium wars were starting like this, during the time 1839, the British wanted to trade with the Chinese, and they went to talk to them, but then, the Chinese didn't felt like to trade with any other country, so they rejected the British. But they didn't felt so upset, and they give the chinese the opium for free. And so now the chinese are controling by those opium, so now they have to trade with the British. And so during that time, all the Chinese started to smoke, cause
With nearly 2 million pounds of opium being sold in China each year, opium weakened a large amount of the Chinese population. 10 percent of the Chinese were smoking opium. This also affected China economically, due to the large amount of resources, especially silver, flowing out of the country to pay for the opium.

When the Chinese government discover that the British were selling opium in china, so they were thinking that this is really not good, so the Emperor Daoguang appointed Lin Tse-Hsua, an imperial commissioner, to lead an anti-opium campaign. So he wrote a letter to the Queen of England, but the letter didn't deliver to the Queen's hand, it went to the government of the British. And so they got so mad, by the letter. So then, in the year 1840, the war had began. And during the war, the chinese are not strong enought to fight the Englands, so then they lose.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

In the film "Mountains of the moon." There were two poeple from England John Edward Speak and , they were looking the source of the nile. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus was probably the first to compile and record the various theories of the river’s origins. According to Herodotus, the Ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile had its source in two great mountains within which were eternal springs. And because of no one had ever find this unknow river, so they sent these peopel to search for it.
They had went to the east african for two times, but for the first time, lots of people were kill by those people, but in there only 3 people surrive, but then, the cauptain's face was hurt by those people so he got a scarp on his face. And so they lost all the stuff, so they went back to England. To perpare everything again. Later on, they went back there again, but this time they were using lot more people, so they had start their jouney. At night, they have to sleep in those, because John Edward Speak didn't listen, so he got bugs in his ear.
They were looking for the unknow river, for day and day, and lots of month had past by, during that time, they had been throught lots of trobles, and at last they found it. But the guy didn't believe in Speak, So they went back to England, and Speak kill himself.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Imperialism Project

The project of the Imperialism, form this project I have learned a lot from this project, it is that all kinds of different colonies, like England are finding different ways to sail into the different country to get the natural resource from them. Like that England are finding ways to trade the things that they have with the countries like India, China, and Africa those countries, and like even more of them.