Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the Trial of Galileo

The geocentric was found from the early Greeks observed the sky and all that it contained. From their observations, the Greeks believed the Earth was the center of the moon, Sun, and the only known planets at that time, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. And the Greeks believe in that those planets were moving around the Earth in a clockwise direction. They said that the Earth is not the one that is moving, because no one felt the Earth is moving. Around 140 A.D. Claudius Ptolemy wrote thirteen volumes on the motion of the planets, and put the geocentric theory in its finest form. The Roman Catholic believe in the Ptolemaic theory, because they suggested the sun was motioned while the Earth were remainedin one place. And they have to believe it, cause the Church ws in the control during this period, and anyone that don't believe in it would be punished, or house arrest.
heliocentrism is the theory that the Sun is stationary and at the center of the solor system. But then in the lod back in time, everybody thinks that this is wrong. But what can they do, even thought that the peoples believes in it, thry can't tell anyone cause otherwise the will get arest. So thet they could only disagree with it.
And so this is how it gose.

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