Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

Communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general. And it is also described as "Revolutionary Proletarian Socialism" or "Marxism," is both a political and economic philosophy.

When Karl Marx saw that the workers are force to work 16 hours a day, and they only have 40 minutes for lunch, and even that they only get pay with so little money. So then Karl Marx thinks this is so not fair, he don't want to see this happen any more. And so he wanted a change, he believe in that the worker has the power to do the things that they wanted to do. So then he wanted communism to take over the world, he believe in that, if everybody could make the same amount of money, then they don't have to be so poor.

About Karl Marx 's communism, it didn't work so well either. Cause like all the people are working for different jobs, and even that they still get the same amount of money, but we know that jobs are different, some of them is easy, but some of them is lot more harder. So this is not fair for the people that are working of the factory. So even thought he wants the goods to the peoples, but everything is not that perfect.

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