Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars - Imperialism in China

The opium wars is also known as the Anglo-Chinese Wars, were the climax of trade disputes and diplomatic difficulties between China under Qing Dynasty and the British Empire after China sought to restrict British opium traffickers.

The opium wars were starting like this, during the time 1839, the British wanted to trade with the Chinese, and they went to talk to them, but then, the Chinese didn't felt like to trade with any other country, so they rejected the British. But they didn't felt so upset, and they give the chinese the opium for free. And so now the chinese are controling by those opium, so now they have to trade with the British. And so during that time, all the Chinese started to smoke, cause
With nearly 2 million pounds of opium being sold in China each year, opium weakened a large amount of the Chinese population. 10 percent of the Chinese were smoking opium. This also affected China economically, due to the large amount of resources, especially silver, flowing out of the country to pay for the opium.

When the Chinese government discover that the British were selling opium in china, so they were thinking that this is really not good, so the Emperor Daoguang appointed Lin Tse-Hsua, an imperial commissioner, to lead an anti-opium campaign. So he wrote a letter to the Queen of England, but the letter didn't deliver to the Queen's hand, it went to the government of the British. And so they got so mad, by the letter. So then, in the year 1840, the war had began. And during the war, the chinese are not strong enought to fight the Englands, so then they lose.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

In the film "Mountains of the moon." There were two poeple from England John Edward Speak and , they were looking the source of the nile. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus was probably the first to compile and record the various theories of the river’s origins. According to Herodotus, the Ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile had its source in two great mountains within which were eternal springs. And because of no one had ever find this unknow river, so they sent these peopel to search for it.
They had went to the east african for two times, but for the first time, lots of people were kill by those people, but in there only 3 people surrive, but then, the cauptain's face was hurt by those people so he got a scarp on his face. And so they lost all the stuff, so they went back to England. To perpare everything again. Later on, they went back there again, but this time they were using lot more people, so they had start their jouney. At night, they have to sleep in those, because John Edward Speak didn't listen, so he got bugs in his ear.
They were looking for the unknow river, for day and day, and lots of month had past by, during that time, they had been throught lots of trobles, and at last they found it. But the guy didn't believe in Speak, So they went back to England, and Speak kill himself.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Imperialism Project

The project of the Imperialism, form this project I have learned a lot from this project, it is that all kinds of different colonies, like England are finding different ways to sail into the different country to get the natural resource from them. Like that England are finding ways to trade the things that they have with the countries like India, China, and Africa those countries, and like even more of them.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

Communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general. And it is also described as "Revolutionary Proletarian Socialism" or "Marxism," is both a political and economic philosophy.

When Karl Marx saw that the workers are force to work 16 hours a day, and they only have 40 minutes for lunch, and even that they only get pay with so little money. So then Karl Marx thinks this is so not fair, he don't want to see this happen any more. And so he wanted a change, he believe in that the worker has the power to do the things that they wanted to do. So then he wanted communism to take over the world, he believe in that, if everybody could make the same amount of money, then they don't have to be so poor.

About Karl Marx 's communism, it didn't work so well either. Cause like all the people are working for different jobs, and even that they still get the same amount of money, but we know that jobs are different, some of them is easy, but some of them is lot more harder. So this is not fair for the people that are working of the factory. So even thought he wants the goods to the peoples, but everything is not that perfect.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Karl Marx and The Industrial Revolution

Karl Heinrich Marx, born in May 5, 1818, die in March 14, 1883. He was a German philosopher, political economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, communist and recolutionary.
I think what Karl Heinrich Marx felt was like that all those workers had to work 16 hours a day, it is like this is so not fair to the workers, and they don't even have time to rest, the way that they work, it is just like killing them, and even that they just get so little money. Also working in the factory is dangous for the small children. And so this not what he wants to see, and he didn't expect that to happen. And he denfinly do not like this, because of usually the small children go to school, and they don't work. But this is the opposite, the ownner of the factory didn't care about this, if the children felt tired, and sleepy, those people is going to wipe them. The children have to work all day long, but they only have 40 minutes to eat for lunch, and after that they have to start work again. And so this is why he wanted to change, so then every could be equal.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

As conservatives, liberals, and radicals debated issues of government, a new movement called nationalism was emerging. Nationalism is the belief that one 's greatest loyalty should not be toa king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history. When the nation also had its own independent government, it became a nation-state. The region includes all or part of presentday Greece, Albania, Romania, and Turkey, and the former Yugoslavia.

Since the fall of the Roman empire, Italy had been divide into many city states. And while the nationalism destory empires, it also bulit nations. Italy was one of the country that form from the territory of crumbling empires.

Also it is like loyalty and devotion to one's nation or country, especially as above loyalty to other groups or to individual interests. And before the era of the nation-state, the primary allegiance of most people was to their immediate locality or religious groups.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was born in July 24, 1783. He is born in Caracas, Venezuela. And also his parents die when he was still a child and he inherited the stuff from his father. When Simon Bolivar was in spain he met Maria Teresa Rodríguez del Toro y Alaysa, and he got marry with her in 1802. But after he returned to Venezuela in 1803, Maria Teresa Rodríguez del Toro y Alaysa die of the yellow fever. Because of her death, Simon Bolivar promise to never marry again.

Simon Bolivar was a South American political leader. Because he had successful won the independence for Latin American from Spain. Simon Bolivar, he the Liberator, he organized and led military forces, to free the northern protion century. But by 1827, due to personal rivalries among the generals of the revolution, civil wars exploded which destroyed the South American unity for which Bolívar had fought.

And also there is a country named after him.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

John Locke and "The Enlightenment"

John Locke was an Oxford scholar, medical researcher and physician, political operative, economist and idealogue for a revolutionary movement, as well as being one of the great philosophers of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. He says that all the people has their right, all persons have equal rights, and that government is responsible to, and derives its powers from, a free people. According to the Declaration of Independence, they believe in that the mens could create equal, and the government is created among by men. The mens is to derving the power of the government. And people don't want that anymore, he is trying to refuse the laws. Everybody should have the equal rights, they don't want hight taxes any more.

The intellectual movement called "the enlightenment" is usually associated with the 18th century. In the 14th and 15th century there emerged in Italy and France a group of thinkers known as the "humanists." The term did not then have the anti-religious associations it ahs in contemporary political debate. Almost all of them were practicing Catholics.
Galileo Galilei, For instance, was to use the same sort of logic the schoolmen had used reinforced with observation to argue in 1632 for the copernican notion that the earth rotes on its axis beneath the unmoving sun. The Church, and most partcularly the Holy inquisition, objected that the bible clearly stted that the sun moved through the sky and denounced Galileo's teachings, forcing him to recant what he had written and preventing him from teaching further. The church's triumph was a pyrrhic victory, for though it culd silence Galileo, it could not prevent the advance of science.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the Trial of Galileo

The geocentric was found from the early Greeks observed the sky and all that it contained. From their observations, the Greeks believed the Earth was the center of the moon, Sun, and the only known planets at that time, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. And the Greeks believe in that those planets were moving around the Earth in a clockwise direction. They said that the Earth is not the one that is moving, because no one felt the Earth is moving. Around 140 A.D. Claudius Ptolemy wrote thirteen volumes on the motion of the planets, and put the geocentric theory in its finest form. The Roman Catholic believe in the Ptolemaic theory, because they suggested the sun was motioned while the Earth were remainedin one place. And they have to believe it, cause the Church ws in the control during this period, and anyone that don't believe in it would be punished, or house arrest.
heliocentrism is the theory that the Sun is stationary and at the center of the solor system. But then in the lod back in time, everybody thinks that this is wrong. But what can they do, even thought that the peoples believes in it, thry can't tell anyone cause otherwise the will get arest. So thet they could only disagree with it.
And so this is how it gose.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolition: The Scientific Method

The scientific revolution was a new way of thinking that the challenged these outdated ideas.
Long ago, the idea of science is from ancient Greeks and Romans, or from Bible.
The scientific revolution can be seen as a reaction against a medieval Aristotelian model of scientific explanation which stressed the internal essential nature of physical objects and the final cause connected with this internal nature. Medieval mode is an action that is explained by the object's internal nature which moved it to its final goal or telos. This mode was seen to be circular or empty because the only explanation that could be given of an object's essential form or internal nature was in terms of the object's actions.
This canused Galileo to reject the ideas of a secret internal nature as the cause of a things actions. Since it was impossible to perceive and served no explanatory function the idea of an internal nature was rejected. Instead it was seen that only some of the external properties of the object really objectively characterize the object and that these can be used to explain the other external properties.
A method of hypothesis and experiment under simplified and idealized conditions was devised to isolate out the primry properties and discover the laws that connected them to secondary properties. A model of how the world is was tested by deriving perdictions about observation from it.
And so this is how the scientific method goes like.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution vs. Creation

Evolution and Creation is different saying from different peoples, and the different peoples believe in the different things, some people believe in evolution, but some peoples believe in creation, and this is what for peoples to think.
Evolution it is found from somebody called Charles Darwin, but he wasn't the first one that found evolution. There was somebody did it before him, but that doesn't work out very well. So after that Charles Darwin went to a island. On the island, Darwin saw those bird's finch its way different from the other one from the other island, and from the other birds. So this is the reason why that makes darwin came up with natural selection. So then he was wrote a book, about that the humans were evolued from the animals. And it took millions of years to do that.
Creation was saying that the first man were made by god. And it only took him 7 days to do that. And this is why lot of place were close on Sunday.
Between evolution and creation, I would choose to believe evolution, because I think that Darwin he had found out that the animal had evolued. And I think this is more seciencefic, I think this could proue it. So I think this is the reason why that I believe in evolution.